Join the community of Rockdale County this Saturday for a rally in the fight to shut down Biolab!
This chemical plant has continued to risk the lives of millions in GA and the community demands the facility be shut down once and for all!
The board of commissioners have let BioLab reopen after poisoning Conyers residents! BioLab’s owners should be in prison, but they face no consequences. Corporations like BioLab might have the politicians of both major Parties in their pocket, but the people have the power to make change.
BioLab needs to be shut down and held accountable for the harm they have inflicted whilst putting profit over people’s lives. This explosion is the fourth of its kind from BioLab and we have to unite and fight to make sure there won’t be anymore in the future!
Shut Down BioLab! Full Compensation for the Workers and All Those Impacted!